In 1990, during the "Perestrojka", the Russian State Museum in St. Petersburg, together with the "Institut des hautes Etudes en Arts Plastiques" (Paris, France), organized the project entitled "The Field of Art" out. The students of the French Academy and the non-conformist artists from St. Petersburg worked together on their works in the Halls of the Russian Museum. This project was a highlight of the art development of St. Petersburg, and the confirmation of alternative art movements - which were not recognized in Russia at that time. Thankfully to the combination of Western painters with their approach and energy for alternative art made this exhibition to be a very remarkable event.
Ukrainian society and its art scene also currently experience certain metamorphoses. In the phases of such metamorphoses, society is particularly creative. Nevertheless, creativity is not the only prerequisite for interesting works of art and successful artistic development. Creativity needs a certain incentive, impulse. If the artists in Kiev or Kharkiv can find such impulses sufficiently, there is a strong lack of such impulses in the areas bordering the ATO (anti-terrorist operation). These regions are in a dynamic development and receive a high degree of public interest by their immediate borders with the Ukrainian territory affected by the war and Russian occupation.
The selection of the participating artists (from Ukraine, Germany (or EU) and Israel) is not a coincidence. Both German and Israeli societies want to renew their relationship with the Ukraine. These countries for the first time in history can do so without regard for the eastern neighbor, Russia. The authors of the project are convinced that art, created jointly and to a certain extent independently of the political context, has a potential to work effectively and subtly on the process of getting to know each other and building of the bridges between societies.
In summary, the project aims to contribute to the revival of artistic attention to the eastern territories of Ukraine, and in this way to promote the cultural exchange and discovery between young German, Israeli and Ukrainian artists as well as the introduction to Ukrainian art life. The project is also an attempt to draw nearer these mainly European countries

